Moses Farrow
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Lead with Gratitude | Generate Passion



From learning his truth to seeking the truth

Moses Farrow is a native to South Korea and was raised in the U.S. His life experiences has put him on a path to finding out the truth of what has happened to him since childhood. As a survivor of child abuse, trauma, and suicide, Moses uses what he has learned to educate others about the truth. As a victim of a globalized child supply market, he joins the ongoing social justice movement with activists fighting for those caught in the centuries-long adoption scheme. “It’s time to stop these crimes and save children’s lives.”





Moses Farrow Disability Pride
Moses Farrow volunteer Riley Farm Rescue CT
Moses Farrow Human Trafficking keynote Indiana

 “You were found in a phonebooth in Seoul and brought to the orphanage.”

It wasn’t until adulthood that my friend and former professor, Les Strong, challenged my adoption story. With the release of the documentaries, Geographies of Kinship and One Child Nation in 2019, I began to rewrite what had happened to me based on these historical truths. In the latter half of my life and career, my mission became clear, turning my pain into purpose.

The layers of traumas kept me in survivor mode much of my life and even threatened it a few times. Pain too much for any boy to be burdened with while catching up to his peers and conforming to a able-bodied world. In the pursuit of my truth, I learned I was among millions who had been victimized by an import/export industry in which women and children were productized.

Having a background in psychology, program management, and social work proved useful in creating campaigns and initiatives for anti-racism, suicide and child abuse prevention, mental health, human rights, and currently anti-human trafficking. What is most valuable in this world is life. For more than a decade, I have been after the universal truths that unify, connects us, and liberates us. These days, I quote Alexander den Heijer “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, and not the flower.” The truth is then, that we are each others environments.



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Education and Consultation

Moses provides valuable insights for victims who are trafficked through adoption. He uses his deep knowledge to provide therapy and consultations, trainings and talks based on the works of Arun Dohle from Against Child Trafficking, Janine Vance, author of Adoption: What You Should Know. He has appeared on numerous podcasts and been named an Agent of Change by WTNH News 8. He recently published an article in Severance magazine.

Society For Adoption Truth

The Society For Adoption Truth is the latest initiative Moses has started in 2024. After learning about what happened to toddlers, Olson and Orrin West, Moses began tracking more and more murder cases involving infants and children in foster care and adoptive placements. He used his social media platforms to raise awareness and in 2024 began hosting virtual Town Hall Meetings to support surviving families in their fight for justice.



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